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Unix domain socket support for vdirsyncer

2024-08-19 #design #vdirsyncer

I have two seemingly conflicting goals with vdirsyncer:

After thinking about this for along time, I’ve concluded that support for Unix domain sockets is the best compromise to satisfy both goals.

Supported connection transports

Essentially, vdirsyncer will support two transports to talk to a CalDav server:

The first transport is straightforward, so I’ll focus on the second one in the rest of this article.

Potential usages of this approach

By having vdirsyncer communicate with a Unix domain socket, traffic can be routed wherever necessary. The socket must be set up by an external process. Here as some examples of what that process could be:

The ability to connect to a local socket becomes an escape hatch for infinite possibilities without having to grow vdirsyncer’s codebase by infinite complexity.


I believe that this approach keeps a sane scope for vdirsyncer. It doesn’t require implementing all sorts of TLS flags, but allows integrating equivalent functionality.

I find that this approach aligns well with the Unix philosophy of “do one thing”. E.g.: vdirsyncer just does the synchronisation; some external process handles establishing and encrypting connections. I am not choosing this approach because it aligns with the Unix philosophy: I’m choosing it because it allow supporting all kind of special scenarios while minimising the amount of code that vdirsyncer needs to in order to support each scenario.

Personally, I would consider it cleaner design to only support sockets and require that even HTTP(s) connections be handled by a dedicated program. Such an approach would likely be impractical for the typical use cases.


I also considered making vdirsyncer take file descriptors as input on invocation. Vdirsyncer would use these for network communication. This would require complex scaffolding to use, and I fear would quickly become too complex when using a few different storages. That aside, it requires a lot of custom glue code for almost any use case.

I considered using a connection-cmd, a command that is executed to obtain file descriptors for a socket to the target server. This provides similar flexibility as both of the above. This alternative is more unorthodox and doesn’t allow leveraging existing tools as easily (e.g.: you’d require special glue code to communicate to a local server listening on a Unix socket).

Impact on security

If you need to use vdirsyncer with a specific (e.g.: audited) TLS implementation, then you can use that external implementation without vdirsyncer requiring any changes and without needing to link to it.

This also means that I can drop all custom code for custom TLS configurations. Less custom security-related code correlates to less chances of a security bugs.

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