Inspired on memo and khal, todoman is a simple todo manager, (or task manager), designed to take note and keep track of pending tasks, that runs as a cli application on almost any Unix-like system (this includes Linux, BSD and probably other OSs from the Unix family).
Todoman is MIT licensed and saves tasks as icalendar, meaning you can use a CalDav-complaiant too to sync your calendar (for example, vdirsyncer). You can also then sync this to your mobile phone, tablet, or any other device with a CalDav-compliant client.
Todoman has a very simple usage:
todo new
todo edit ID
todo show ID
todo done ID
And images are worth a thousand words:

.Exclamation marks indicate urgent (high priority) tasks. All the rest is pretty self-explanatory.

todo edit 1
.The source code is available at its repository and a github mirror. Go ahead and try it now:
$ curl -L\?ref\=v1.2.0 -o todoman.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf v1.1.0.tar.gz
$ cd todoman.git/
# python install
You’ll also need to copy and update the configuration file:
$ mkdir ~/.config/todoman/
$ cp todoman.conf.sample ~/.config/todoman/todoman.conf
$ vim ~/.config/todoman/todoman.conf
There’s also already a package for ArchLinux.
Feedback is welcome, especially bug reports, which you can email, comment, or open a issue.
Link above now points to release 1.2.0.
Todoman has moved to, rather than my own hosted instance. The above links have been updated.
has also been available via PyPI for some time now, so may also be
installed running:
pip install todoman